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For all kinds of Teams
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Work Smart
WorkPlace CheckIn is an online employee management system with powerful features
Save Time
WorkPlace CheckIn is the right employee management system that can improves business
Great Product
WorkPlace CheckIn not only streamlines but also reduces costs ensure regulatory compliance.
For all kinds of Startup
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim est laborum.
Flexible Plans
Affordable pricing for everyone! We want you to get the best deal!
- Users Limit 5
- Check Ins Unlimited
- Daily Email Reports
- Weekly Email Reports
- User Deletion Update
- Leave Management System
- Monthly Email Reports
- Goal Management System
- Slack Integration
- Users Limit 5
- Check Ins Unlimited
- Daily Email Reports
- Weekly Email Reports
- User Deletion Update
- Leave Management System
- Monthly Email Reports
- Goal Management System
- Slack Integration
- Users Limit 5
- Check Ins Unlimited
- Daily Email Reports
- Weekly Email Reports
- User Deletion Update
- Leave Management System
- Monthly Email Reports
- Goal Management System
- Slack Integration
- Users Limit 5
- Check Ins Unlimited
- Daily Email Reports
- Weekly Email Reports
- User Deletion Update
- Leave Management System
- Monthly Email Reports
- Goal Management System
- Slack Integration
- Users Limit 5
- Check Ins Unlimited
- Daily Email Reports
- Weekly Email Reports
- User Deletion Update
- Leave Management System
- Monthly Email Reports
- Goal Management System
- Slack Integration
- Users Limit 5
- Check Ins Unlimited
- Daily Email Reports
- Weekly Email Reports
- User Deletion Update
- Leave Management System
- Monthly Email Reports
- Goal Management System
- Slack Integration
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allow organizations to better manage their employees, track their performance and much more. Simply an amazing tool.
Ryan P. Yates
Former Assistant Jamuna Group.
is agile and easy to use. A great application indeed making it easier for both employees and managers to organize their time UI designer Baper Inc.

I just love the performance and user experience of . It is one of the best Human Capital Management solution out there
Gary D. Jeffries
Front-end coder HeloShape.Find your answers
Have any thought? Look here.
Your data is safely backed up every week. We can perform a full restore in case of any emergency.
Our servers are hosted professionally and your information is safe and secure with us. We use https SSL for data transfer between servers.
No, not at this time, but we are planning to add some languages in the near future.
No, administrators can submit their own time-off.
No, the comment/note is optional when users submit time-off requests.